
Inkscape vector trace multiple scans
Inkscape vector trace multiple scans

The only way to control the number of colours was to increase the number of scans which in turn created an overly detailed image.

inkscape vector trace multiple scans

I found that Inkscape could not compete with either VectorMagic or Illustrator for a drawing like this. Illustrator took a lot of fiddling and it was unable to detect lines and create smooth paths for them. With Illustrator I had to tell it to select 150 colours and then increase the minimum area of the object sizes to prevent it from going overboard with detail. It had no difficulty at all maintaining the correct colours. Note how VectorMagic preserved detail such as the how the orange colouring doesn't quite touch the character. VectorMagic did an outstanding job of tracing the Armored Bone Dude that not even Illustrator CS3 came close to matching despite me spending significant amount of time tweaking values. For some things the difference will be negligible, but other it really shines. I was going to argue this point when you first posted it, but it does all depend on what you are tracing.

inkscape vector trace multiple scans inkscape vector trace multiple scans

Capnhud wrote:I found that the traces it produces are about just as good as inkscapes trace features.

Inkscape vector trace multiple scans